Thursday, September 24, 2015

Day #3: Resistance and Tears

Well, today was met with resistance and tears from my little man. I never want to "force" my kids to learn, so today was a new challenge for us. This morning before it was time for schooling Liam was super excited and was actually asking me (several times) "can we work on our letters now? I really want to work on the letter B!". I was super hopeful and excited for today too after those questions, but of course I had to get sister up and make sure she had her breakfast and was settled before Liam and I could start some workbooks. Well, I guess within that time he had gotten distracted by all the other fun and exciting things that he could potentially be doing today, that the thought of sitting down with some workbooks was not to pleasing to him. Like I said I never want to "force" him to sit down and work on his books, because I don't believe he will learn as much as he possibly could when he is not interested or excited to be doing it; but, to my surprise (after the tears) he walked right into our little classroom and sat down, then started to proceed to let me know what color markers he wanted to use on his papers. So, I guess the tears and resistance weren't all real; I honestly don't know, I am still learning every day along with my kids how to be the best parent to them that I can possibly be, he teaches me just as much or more then I may be teaching him.

So here is a look into our morning:

Here he is super excited that the concept of letter sounds are making sense to him, he was super proud of himself (I was proud too) that he figured out which pictures started with the letter B all on his own

 Tracing patterns (worksheet found here; this website has a bunch of 
other printables for different grades/ages for FREE, we have a lot printed and ready)

 Liam's completed worksheets for today, he tries his best: 
Whenever a worksheet asks him to color in some thing he prefers to circle it, 
at least he is circling the correct answer, that's a plus right?

 After he worked on his sheets he drew a picture and then made a story to go along with the picture, I wrote down the story he told me at the top of his page so he could keep it. He was very proud of his story

 The story went like this: "Once upon a time, there was a forest and a cookie person hiking in the forest. Then he saw a river, so he decided to walk away; but, the water kept following him. THE END" 

We also have spend a lot of our morning outside, it is so beautiful out and there is so much to teach and learn through nature (I believe this may be one of Liam's favorite things to do, explore nature and learn new things). The kids drove around the yard on Liam's gator, he rode his bike up and down the street while Alex and I walked (all while we talked about the changing of the seasons).

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